Concert "Brand New Day" With Cherrybelle Live in Concert Meet & Greet with Cherrybelle Jam 16.00 WIB Sabtu 8 Sep...
Concert "Brand New Day" With Cherrybelle Live in Concert
Meet & Greet with Cherrybelle Jam 16.00 WIB
Sabtu 8 September 2012
Jam 19.00-22.00 WIB
Dupan Convention Hall Pekalongan
Jalan.Dr.Sutomo No.31 Pekalongan
Harga Tiket
Undangan:300rb | VVIP:250rb | VIP:200rb | Utama:150rb | Kelas1:100rb | Meet and Greet:200rb
Contact : @yaeel23 or Call 087764445549